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NCE Customer Eligibility

As partners and Microsoft focus on moving customers to NCE contracts at renewal, is Microsoft considering allowing customers renewing from EA into NCE to be eligible for the MW Security Deployment Offer voucher program? We have several opportunities where we are working with Microsoft on renewals and encouraging customers to move to NCE, which disqualifies them from the voucher program. These customers are renewing from M365 E3 to M365 E5 and need assistance with deploying security products and would be a great fit for the deployment voucher.

Jami Styx
3 36 days ago New

FastTrack service description - Adjust "Engaging FastTrack"

Process and Expectations - FastTrack – Microsoft 365 | Microsoft Learn   Hi dear team,    Many discussions with partners generated this piece of feedback/advise, to help customers understand that they can involve themselves directly with FRP instead of raising an RFA. Sometimes customers/partners think that the process requires the completion of an RFA to "officialize" the association process, when in reality, just a CPOR claim is sufficient. With the RME engine, raising an RFA via the "official" source can translate into an assignment to a wrong partner, when in reality, the customer doesn't even need to raise that RFA in the first place.   Our suggestion is to change the vocabulary in the "Engaging FastTrack" to something like: "Raising FastTrack assistance requests are not required for customers already working with our FastTrack Ready Partner (link here). Instead of just "For a list of FastTrack Ready Approved partners, click here"."   I am available for additional conversations around this.

Stephane Almeida
5 44 days ago Completed

QTM MW and Security Deployment Vouchers

Please add an option to add multiple files when submitting our claims. Often you revert to us to ask for the sign log. Will causes a delay in approval. We could submit the sign log together with the signed document. 

Karen Naidoo
2 44 days ago Needs Votes

Change Log for FastTrack Microsoft Learn Page

Is it possible to include a change log whenever the FastTrack Microsoft learn page is updated?    Changes and updates are made fairly frequently throughout the year (Products and Capabilities, Entra, Sentinel, Office 365 sections), but it is not really clear what has been updated.   FastTrack Center Benefit for Microsoft 365​ - FastTrack – Microsoft 365 | Microsoft Learn

Stephen Brown
5 78 days ago New

Global Voucher Earning Statement

For global partners it would be very helpful if there would be a downloadable voucher earnings statement that would contain complete earnings for all location IDs. The Power BI statement under Partner Statement Report · FastTrack Partner Community Portal is nice, but as global admin I would have to drill into every single location ID which makes working with the earnings report very clumsy. Would be great to have a consolidated view across all location Ids.... Thank you! :) 

Teresa Heuke
4 92 days ago New

Automated referral feedback

Why not have automated forms sent out to partners after a certain period of time to provide feedback on a referral? 

Voice of FPC
1 103 days ago New

CPOR - please renaming Security Usage Incentive in PartnerCenter

We need to log CPOR for program performance. We have clients that decline to complete the POE for CPOR because we are claiming Copilot or other Modern Workloads all because in partnercenter currently CPOR of Modern work or Security workloads is called Security Usage Incentive this is confusing for the client! please rename the partnercenter ability to CPOR to something more generic like CPOR for Modern Work/Security or something but not only "Security Usage Incentive"     many thanks

Michiel Gedopt
1 106 days ago Rejected

POE template for CPOR naming

Our customers are finding it very confusing to sign the POE before having to complete the full SoW because of the naming of both Proof of Execution and Proof of Engagement document having the same text in the document, and says that the partner has performed these activities already. Nevertheless, we are required to have this document signed by the client PRIOR to claiming CPOR.

Omar Zeine
5 115 days ago New

Copilot Workshop claims should automatically create CPOR associations!

With the current focus on the Customer Copilot Adoption Journey, we are actively conducting many workshops and engagements supporting Copilot. As we enter Funding/Incentive Claims for Proof of Value or Role-Based Deployment & Adoption Accelerator workshops, these claims should automatically align to a Change Partner of Record claim, utilizing the same POE already required to complete the association rather than requiring that a separate CPOR claim and documentation submission occur. This will also reduce the need to send another email to the customer contact to approve of the association.I can see not making the association automatic for the Vision and Value workshops, but if they involve a Proof of Concept/Value or Deployment/Adoption aspect I think it should be streamlined.Do you agree?

Tim Van Liew
1 150 days ago Rejected

Allow partners to edit endorsements

This is regarding the FastTrack Community partners.  We are currently unable to edit our endorsement profile, which has resulted in us receiving a referral for a workload that we are not specialized in. We are a Converged communications partner, but we received a referral in SPO due to our ACM, Teams Rooms and phone specializations, that includes that SPO, although it is not requirement to drive growth and consumption around it. We are hoping the option to edit the endorsements will become available for partners like us that does not have the required specialist to deliver the service and who will be negatively affected by declining the referral. Thanks! 

Adriana Blue
7 152 days ago Needs Votes
1 - 10 of 293 ideas (filtered from 293 ideas)