Provide reports for Badges acquired.
Suggested by Adriana Blue – Completed
I would like to request a report to view my organization users that acquired a sales or Tech badges around Teams rooms and meetings. This will allow us to track and ensure we meet the program requirements around badges.
Category: Program Tools (non OSU) ideas/suggestions
Thank you for your feedback. We have passed your recommendation on to the program team, and they will respond shortly.
Thanks a lot for your organizations interest in Teams Rooms training and skilling (badges). Please note, that the ExpertZone privacy policies, limit our capabilities to share information on individual badge completions. Our PAM’s and PEM’s have visibility on completion of badges at an organization level and they are more then happy to share the numbers with you. Please be aware that our system can only track badge completions and associate these to an organization, if the individual taking the badge has used their corporate email ID and/or associated themselves to their correct organization, at the time of registration. Please encourage your team members to review their registration in ExpertZone and if they find that they are not associated with their organization, ask them to open a ticket. They can open a service ticket by sending a note with their correct email ID (company domain) and organization name to