Dave Steeves
Can we eliminate need for Intune and EXO claims to earn EOM incentive?
With the goal of EOM to have MAM policies in use, can we eliminate the need for Intune and Exchange claims. The effort to get a client to implement MAM is above and beyond Intune or EXO and requires additional focused effort. In many cases we may not have claims for EXO or Intune with a client. For example, when we migrated to CPOR under our new FPM's guidance we didn't migrate any Exchange claims past 40% so as it is, there is no gain to us to pursue EOM with those clients. Another example is we have clients that had an initial FRP and our now working with us. While they have passed 40% in Intune, they are not using MAM. My ask is to simplify this claim so we can focus on having a MAM policy put in place. Why does it need to include the other claims which already have payouts. Can we just be paid for meeting the EOM requirements without the other claims?