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Suggested by Sylwia Aderek Completed 


I would like to request to include "Problem summary" in the topic of the email messages regarding specific tickets.
Also if possible please include the problem description from submitted ticket as having couple tickets open it is hard to identify which case the response apply to.

Status details

January 12, 2024 - The automated email notifying submitters regarding case messages has been updated to include the case description. We hope this helps provide clarity in the messaging and a better experience engaging with the FPC program team!
Category: Program Tools (non OSU) ideas/suggestions
Comments (3)
  • Thank you for your feedback! We have shared this with the OSU/CPOR Program team, and we will provide an update in the next several weeks.
  • Update: we have accepted this into our backlog to expand the contents of support emails for cases managed within the Community Portal. Targeting Q3 deliver.
  • Thank you for your Insight. Several improvements have been made to the PX Partner Support email replies in the last few updates including the subject line of the original case, an abbreviated description, and a link to review and reply to the info provided in the case. Closing this as all improvements have been implemented and thank you again for the great suggestions.