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Suggested by Samer Haque Rejected 

Previous Post on Yammer:

We thought we should share this with the rest of the partner community. We have raised a ticket in relation to this issue with FRPhelp and the data and Tools team is reviewing the following.

We have found that the S2500 customers are being identified or tracked using TPID. The problem is in a scenario where multiple customers share the same TPID, all of these customers are being flagged as S2500 customer. For example, we currently have one S2500 customer in an industry vertical and as it shares the same TPID with 15 other tenants, they are all being flagged as an S2500. We have reached out to most of the accounts team and got confirmation from them that not all of them are considered S2500 customers, rather the parent tenant is the S2500 customer.

We know we are not being measured on this currently, however, the non S2500 customers are skewing the data health results and also creating a bit of confusion on who the actual S2500 customers. In our opinion, FTOP should not be flagging child tenants of S2500 customers as a 'S2500' customer.

Status details

2021-03-22 - Data & Tools team - Customers are identified as S2500 at the customer level (TPID), not tenant. All tenants sharing the same TPID will be considered S2500 tenants. This is by design. 

2021-03-15 - Assignment Team - assigning to Data & Tools Team to triage.
Category: Program Tools (non OSU) ideas/suggestions