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Suggested by JBS FRP Team Completed 

When a customer has an MPSA contract, only MAUs are shown on PartnerCenter/FTOP, and PAUs don’t count.

I understand that PAUs are not viewed for MPSA contract as it is not eligible for incentives; on the other hand, I do not understand why we still can submit a claim via CPOR. Therefore, we suggest any submission by the customer with MPSA contact should not be allowed.

Also, I hear that Microsoft Cloud Accelerator Nomination is determined based on the data from PartnerCenter.

License types do not affect the Microsoft Cloud Accelerator criteria. However, the licenses for the MPSA contract do not count in PAU, which might not be able to be nominated as the number does not reach the requirement.

We hope these two issues are fixed for a better partner/customer experience.


また、Microsoft Cloud AccerelatorのNoimnitaion可否はPartnerCenter上のデータを基に判断されていると聞いています。
Microsoft Cloud Accerelatorのクライテリアにはライセンスの契約形態は関係ありません。ですが、MPSA契約のライセンス数はPAUにカウントされず、ライセンス数不足のためノミネーション不可になってしまうことがあります。


Status details

2021-09-02 - Response from Patric Grimwood
CPOR allows registration of claims regardless of license contract type to enable multiple scenarios where we might want to track partner association with a tenant/service grain like Advanced Specializations for example.

We have standardized on the Partner Center data set for program eligibilty, including for Microsoft Cloud Accelerator nominations. With this being the case, our default eligibility criteria are based on PAU which is the denominator used in Partner Center.

There is no plan to change these business rules or the retirement of MPSA as a licensing vehicle. 

2021-09-02 - Assignment Team- Assigning to Partner Experience Team to Triage-
Category: Program Tools (non OSU) ideas/suggestions