3 years ago
FPC Program ideas/suggestions
I downloaded the incentive details from the FastTrack Ready Support site, but I don't know the customer name that led to the acquisition only by providing a gross amount for the amount earned in Edge.
Internally, we conduct a department evaluation based on the customer name acquired, but at present we are troubled because we cannot evaluate it due to lack of information.
(Even if Edge is good because the program ends, I would like you to include the customer name in the payment details in the future.
FastTrack Ready Support (Incentive Statements)サイトからインセンティブの明細をダウンロードしましたが、Edgeでの獲得額についてはグロスの金額の記載があるのみで獲得へつながった顧客名が判りません。
3 years ago
Program Tools (non OSU) ideas/suggestions
Translation: When checking utilization in services Usage in FTOP, the PAU is displayed as 0 for some customers and the correct usage status cannot be confirmed.
We would like you to cure this event because we want to support you after correctly grasping the current situation of customers.
FTOPのServices Usageで利
用率を確認する際に、いくつかの顧客に対してPAUが 0で表示され正しい利用状況が確認できない。
3 years ago
Program Tools (non OSU) ideas/suggestions
FTOP FRP Dashboard
タブ:「15% Forecast」及び「40% Forecast」
表の名前:Forecast Date has passed
項目:FTOP Services のリンクマーク |
3 years ago
Program Tools (non OSU) ideas/suggestions
FTOP FRP Dashboard
タブ:「Services Usage」
表の名前:Services Usage
項目:Select Month(s)の スライサー