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Suggested by FSI-DL-CustomerReferral FSI-DL-CustomerReferral Completed 

I downloaded the incentive details from the FastTrack Ready Support site, but I don't know the customer name that led to the acquisition only by providing a gross amount for the amount earned in Edge.
Internally, we conduct a department evaluation based on the customer name acquired, but at present we are troubled because we cannot evaluate it due to lack of information.
(Even if Edge is good because the program ends, I would like you to include the customer name in the payment details in the future.

FastTrack Ready Support (Incentive Statements)サイトからインセンティブの明細をダウンロードしましたが、Edgeでの獲得額についてはグロスの金額の記載があるのみで獲得へつながった顧客名が判りません。

Status details

Over the next several months, the FRP program is making a significant investment in developing a more robust incentive platform. One of our primary goals is to ensure the system is highly flexible and allows us to adapt to the changing needs of the business; and ensuring that tenant level detail is available on FRP Statements for all incentives, including Edge, is a top level priority.

2021-09-30 - Incentive Operations responding
2021-09-30 - Assignment Team- Assigning to Partner Experience Team to Triage-
Category: FPC Program ideas/suggestions
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