FTOPのServices UsageにてPAUが 0で表示される事象を修正して欲しい
Suggested by FSI-DL-CustomerReferral FSI-DL-CustomerReferral – Completed
Translation: When checking utilization in services Usage in FTOP, the PAU is displayed as 0 for some customers and the correct usage status cannot be confirmed.
We would like you to cure this event because we want to support you after correctly grasping the current situation of customers.
FTOPのServices Usageで利
用率を確認する際に、いくつかの顧客に対してPAUが 0で表示され正しい利用状況が確認できない。
We would like you to cure this event because we want to support you after correctly grasping the current situation of customers.
FTOPのServices Usageで利
用率を確認する際に、いくつかの顧客に対してPAUが 0で表示され正しい利用状況が確認できない。
Category: Program Tools (non OSU) ideas/suggestions
[11:08 AM] Julie Martin (Guest) Thank you for your feedback. We have shared this with the Reporting owner and expect a response soon.
Thank you for your submission, This appears to be an issue with Partner Center. You will need to submit a support ticket via Partner Center. We do not have the ability to do this on your behalf. Thank you.