LXP Dashboard: SKUs of customers who already have E5 in the base data are handled by O365 のベースデータでE5を既に持っている顧客のSKUがO365で扱われている
Suggested by Shigetsugu Kurosawa – Accepted
LXP Dashboard(Opportunities)で実態として該当しない顧客がオポチュニティとして表示されるため、SKUの判定ロジックを見直し、正しいSKUで扱われるように変えて欲しい。例) 既にME5をお持ちのお客様のSKUがO365と扱われているケースがあります。 Since customers who do not actually fall under this category are displayed as opportunities, I would like to see the SKU judgment logic reviewed and changed so that it is handled with the correct SKU.For example, there are cases where customers who already have ME5 have SKUs that are treated as O365.
Category: Other ideas/suggestions
From Microsoft: Thank you for your feedback. We have shared this with the Tools team and will be in touch with questions or more information soon.
From Microsoft: This is a known issue and will be fixed in the upcoming release of the LXP dashboard. We will update here when we are closer to the release.