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Suggested by Waka Nodera Completed 

[Machine translation] You can check the "Unclaimed & Milestone Opportunity" tab of FRP Dashboad to see the potential incentives for Unclaimed.
We believe that being able to confirm incentive expectations for claimed workloads will make it easier to follow up with customers.
Please consider adding more functions. 
Original text
FRP Dashboadの「Unclaimed &Milestone Opportunity」タブで、Unclaimed のインセンティブ見込みを確認できると思いますが、
Claimed ワークロードについてもインセンティブ見込みを確認できると、お客様へのフォローアップ等が実施しやすくなると考えております。
ぜひ機能追加の検討をお願いいたします。   I also want to understand the incentive status of Claimed workloads in the FRP Dashboard

Status details

Hello, this has been added to the FRP dashboard 
Category: Program Tools (non OSU) ideas/suggestions
Comments (1)
  • Thank you for your feedback! We are submitting it to the relevant program/product teams for evaluation and action, and we will provide an update in the next several weeks.