2 years ago
Product ideas/suggestions
We received feedback from customer regarding the Data Loss Prevention (DLP) policy as per below.
1) For the scenario of blocking file uploads on websites, files (Eg: Word, Excel) created before the deployment of DLP policy will not work, unless the (old) files are opened to be re-evaluated the next time they are accessed or modified.
2) When using Google Chrome (With Microsoft Purview Extension installed), DLP policy can block file uploads on websites. However, when the user opens igcognito window on Chrome, the DLP policy will not work due to the absence of Microsoft Purview Extension in the incognito window.
3) Scenario: DLP policy is configured to block file uploads on Google Drive. When user uploads a file on Google Drive, file upload will be blocked. After that, when the user tries to upload a file on SharePoint Online (Whereby there is no DLP policy configured on SharePoint Online), the file will also be blocked from uploading. The user can only upload the file on SharePoint Online when closing & re-opening the web browser.
4) Scenario: When blocking service domains (Eg: Google Drive, Dropbox, etc) in the Endpoint DLP Settings and applying it to 100 users, the policy will be enforced on all the 100 users. There is no option to exclude certain users (From the 100 users) and allow them to upload files on Google Drive.