Verbiage in Referral AU% tab incorrect
Suggested by Oscar Goco – Completed
When reviewing the customer referral in Partner Center > Insights > FastTrack > Referrals > customer name > AU% tab. The screen states:
"There is currently no Active Usage Data for this tenant.
To view the Active Usage Data, please visit the FRP Dashboard"
Going to the Partner's FRP Dashboard, the customer is not even listed thus no AU data is available.
I suspect this is because the partner does not have an approved CPOR association to view the Active Usage data.
If so, the verbiage should state that the AU% is not available until a CPOR association is established.
However, it would be best to have the AU% data available and visible to provide insight to the customer deployment status.
Category: FPC Program ideas/suggestions
Hello Thank you for submitting this valuable feedback. I have shared this observation with the Referrals team for their investigation as it appears some verbiage adjustment is needed. We will circle back with you should the team need any further information, and then with a final resolution soon. Again, thank you for bringing this to our attention.
From Microsoft: Apologies for the long delay in response. Good news is that this issue was resolved! We are closing out the item.