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Suggested by Lily Cui Completed 

Endorsement model: Smaller partners are not able to obtain as many Endorsements even though they may be qualified to do the work. Steeves and Associates is an example of this where they have strong competencies and can deliver in many workloads, however they only qualify for ACM. 

Status details

Please see response from Program Owner below:
Thank you for bring this concern to our attention.  
We understand that this is an issue impacting our smaller partners and recognize that earning specializations can be a large undertaking for a firm. We do however need to maintain a set of consistent eligibility criteria for program participation and specializations are the model that Microsoft is standardizing on.
There are opportunities to get engaged in other areas through Jumpstart and similar programs which you may be a good fit for. We do not have a plan to introduce an alternative eligibility model at this time but will consider partner feedback as we continue to evolve.
Thank you for taking the time to raise your concerns and provide this feedback.
Category: FPC Program ideas/suggestions
Comments (3)
  • Hello! Thank you for submitting your comment surrounding endorsements. This feedback will be shared with the program team. Is there any specific changes that partner believes would remove that limitation that we could suggest to the program team for consideration?
  • Use the historical ability to deliver in the program? Why is there a Performance tab? Isn't that a clear indicator of what a partner can or cannot deliver?

    There are partners with all the competencies and their "certified" consultants would never get even close to FastTrack engagements. I can name a few.

    I understand the urge to make the new partner program relevant and encourage partners into getting the program compliance in place, but it does not align with what FastTrack has to objectively deliver.
  • Please see response from Program Owner below: Thank you for bring this concern to our attention.   We understand that this is an issue impacting our smaller partners and recognize that earning specializations can be a large undertaking for a firm. We do however need to maintain a set of consistent eligibility criteria for program participation and specializations are the model that Microsoft is standardizing on. There are opportunities to get engaged in other areas through Jumpstart and similar programs which you may be a good fit for. We do not have a plan to introduce an alternative eligibility model at this time but will consider partner feedback as we continue to evolve. Thank you for taking the time to raise your concerns and provide this feedback.