Teams translation should be globally available to every user
Suggested by Jeremy Deschner – Needs Votes
When I go from my Teams environment to Microsoft Teams environment I am logged in as a guest. However I lose the ability to right click on messages and choose "Translate" or set my browser to automatically translate to English.
Microsoft's environment is meant to be a global environment. Even though I speak, and read Japanese, it is much more efficient to have everything popped into English. It's less stressful and cuts down on mistakes due to misinterpretation.
I am talking about the Microsoft Japan Teams environment but I think all MS environments worldwide should have instant translation ta make the data more accessible to people that are not native language speakers for that region.
Status details
Thank you for submitting this great feedback surrounding your Teams experience. This info will be shared with the Teams product team to triage. We will provide updates once that team has had time to review.
Internal Reference: FBK-00012029
02-27-2024 - Currently in Investigation State.
Category: Product ideas/suggestions