Partner Operational Support UX Improvements
Suggested by Teresa Heuke – Completed
Hi Team
The current UX for the Partner Operational Support Partner Support · M365 Specialty Partner ( is not very handy and it would be great if we could see improvements in future:
1.) Currently there is no function to put someone in CC. So if someone logging a ticket gets on sick leave there is no possibility for a colleague to take over. So an additional field with people being informed and able to access the ticket would be helpful.
2.) There is no possibility to escalate a ticket. As global FRP Admin of my company I am supporting our Operations Team and quite often need to jump in to help them to get things moving. Currently I have to send screenshots of the conversation to my FPM, which is very clumsy and not helpful.
Thank you very much for thinking this over.
Status details
Closing out this item. We created capability allowing case submitters to extend visibility to their organization (those setup with access to the program membership). This allows for group collaboration on a single case while maintaining the ability to have private cases for any sensitive scenarios.
Category: FPC Program ideas/suggestions
Hello Thank you for your feedback. Your comments have been escalated to the team that manages the UX for Partner Operational Support for their consideration.
Hello and thank you for your feedback. This request has been escalated to the UX team, and work items have been created to request that partner resource managers can contribute to cases. We have also submitted a request for a way to escalate cases (perhaps via a flag). Both are in review with the UX team and we will circle back with you as soon as any information is made available on next steps and whether these suggestions can be implemented.
Solutions: Based on your Submission, a toggle has been added to all Partner Support case submissions that allows cases to be shared across the resources in your company. This toggle defaults to Private, but can be moved to allow the case to be viewed by other partner resources in your firm. The ability to escalate a case has now been added through a Challenge button being added to the case Based on your submission, we have added 2 items to the Community Portal technical backlog: Capability to add contributors to each case; and Capability to escalate a case. We are working with the Partner Support team to define the business rules for each of the new proposed capabilities to move forward with the design and development. Note: More votes will help us prioritize the items, and please add comments with your thoughts on business rules/how this should function. Thank you for your contribution!