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Suggested by Amanda Lima Completed 

The product works but customers are still unhappy when something slips through and is ZAP’d later. Also the third-party competitors are evolving and getting more clever with their offerings in this space quicker than MS is.  It’s getting to the point where all the add-ins from ProofPoint can be more valuable than simple phish, attachment, and URL defenses. If the customer has any interest in all the DNS-related pieces that fall into mail flow too MS will lose that business every time. Consider dealing with hosted SPF for instance. If a customer is full on ProofPoint they won’t give it up readily anymore.

Status details

Thank you for the great feedback. This has been passed on to the relevant Partner Delivery and Product teams for review and will help drive Product and Partner strategy moving forward. We appreciate the insights and invite additional feedback/insights in the future 
Category: Product ideas/suggestions