Suggested by Roberto Sandrini Completed 

FRP partners are in need of a report that shows them what payments are "in transit", meaning pending payments for earning adoption with customers that have not yet been posted, but are pending to be posted. 

Status details

Partners have access to their statements for each payment issued.  The information for the payments is in the PowerBI and in the statement produced each month.  We have no visibility to when the bank will process and accept the actual payments, as that is on a per bank basis and can take 1-3 weeks after the statement are produced.
Comments (1)
  • Partners have access to their statements for each payment issued.  The information for the payments is in the PowerBI and in the statement produced each month.  We have no visibility to when the bank will process and accept the actual payments, as that is on a per bank basis and can take 1-3 weeks after the statement are produced.