FCU features - Partner Contact from CPOR claim
Suggested by Jami Styx – Needs Votes
Can I please suggest additional FCU features?
In the add contact sections, is there a way to default the Country/Region to United States so we don’t have to select it every time?
I understand that partners no longer have to add ourselves to the assignment to make updates, however is there a way for Microsoft to add & default the partner contact name based on who submitted the CPOR claim? And then if someone else needs to be listed we can change it?
In the add contact sections, is there a way to default the Country/Region to United States so we don’t have to select it every time?
I understand that partners no longer have to add ourselves to the assignment to make updates, however is there a way for Microsoft to add & default the partner contact name based on who submitted the CPOR claim? And then if someone else needs to be listed we can change it?
Status details
Hello: This item is in the backlog awaiting review for new additions to the tools.
Category: Program Tools (non OSU) ideas/suggestions
Thank you for the feedback Jami. This has been submitted. We will update this thread once we get more information
Agree - there needs to be a way to update the partner contact email address for approved CPOR claims. Having to cancel the original claim and submit a new one is not a viable process as we risk losing out on important usage incentives by creating a new claim (with likely higher AU than original claim).
An update to this Idea - the idea is still in the backlog awaiting backend changes to enable requested item.
From Microsoft: This item is still in the backlog related to other Contacts changes. No ETA at this time. Will update when we hear more. Leaving it open for more voting.