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Suggested by Leslie Dunlop Completed 

We've come across many examples where customers are fully deployed on a workload (such as Exchange at 99%), but when they are added to FTOP, the entitlement status is reflecting "Status Unknown" and we're having to update it to "In progress" to have it not show up on the non-compliance report. For workloads with active usage over 60%, it should automatically reflect as a new status "Adoption" and not "Status Unknown."  This is a lot of extra administrative work to update the entitlement status.  

Status details

2021-07-27 - Data & Tools - Reviewing to see if we can make this happen
2021-07-26 - Assignment Team -  Assigning to Tools Team to triage 

Category: Program Tools (non OSU) ideas/suggestions
Comments (3)
  • Agreed, a lot of time waste doing nonsensical work. 
  • FTOP has failed to address this for years. New Entitlements should be added to the current entitlement status of the workload. And if there is more than one status, be added to the entitlements where the status is "In Progress". Since customers will continue to add licenses forever (as their company dictates), this will be an endless exercise for FRPS

    See relevant thread
  • Thank you for your suggestion! The Data Health and Data Health Almost Non-Compliant pages in FTOP-FRP Dashboard will be retired as part of the FY23 OSU updates which will be rolled out in Production shortly. Therefore, there is no need to move forward on updates to these pages. We value your opinions and feedback. If there is anything else you would like to provide feedback on, please submit a new request through the Insights Forum. Thank you very much and have a great day.