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Suggested by Leslie Dunlop Needs Votes 

We'd like to be able to run historical usage data report from tenant insights in Partner Center with usage each month for all the workloads along with the date claimed.  We have visibility in partner center, but we have to go to a specific customer and then click on the graph by workload, similarly to FTOP.

Status details

2021-07-21 - Data & Tools - Engaging with Partner Center's Reporting/Insights Dashboard team to submit to their backlog. 
2021-05-21 - Assignment Team - Assigning to Reporting Team to triage.

Category: Program Tools (non OSU) ideas/suggestions
Comments (3)
  • Thank you for sharing your suggestion on how to improve upon our processes and/or tools. The Online Services Usage (OSU) team oversees this component and we will share your input with them. Due to the high volume of feedback that team receives, they are unable to provide responses to each submission. All changes to OSU and Partner Center tools and processes are shared via Microsoft Partner Communications and many are reposted via the FRP Heads Up Newsletter (subscribe in your profile page Most announcements are around the annual OSU program update in October of each year.
  • We are looking to add this functionality to the FCU in the first half of 2023. The FRP Dashboard is the only way to get this, across multiple workloads, currently.
  • This functionality is still on the roadmap, though we do not have an estimated delivery date at this time. Will update this space when we know more. Please keep voting in the meantime.