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Suggested by Jeremy Deschner Completed 

For the Advanced Deployment Guide I suggest adding a Notes section next to each tab.  The notes should include things like "Submitted to Change Control date", Who is responsible for the task and let it tag that person in chat or in email like a Facrbook tag does.  Furthermore all the notes from the tasks like "Start date", "Who is responsible", "Completion date",  "Change Control approval status" should all be able to be ported to a PowerBI page so the managers can look at the data and determine where bottlenecks are in each process.  This would make ADG a powerful and appealing management tool and reporting tool for customer's IT managers.
Category: Product ideas/suggestions
Comments (2)
  • Hello! Thank you for submitting this idea for the Advanced Deployment Guides. We are escalating the details of your suggestion to the team that could impact the guides for review. We will circle back with you once that time has had time to review, so check back for updates!
  • From Microsoft: Thank you for your patience while we awaited an update from the team. The ADG guides now include Assignment tracking capabilities in the fly-out panels. This feature allows the admin to set a due date, update progress, and assign tasks. The admin can also send these assignments to other administrators within the organization to review progress. Additionally, depending on the guide, there is an option to share through email, enabling the admin to send an email to anyone in the organization and add notes. Hope this helps and please feel free to reach out with any questions.