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Suggested by Han Weghorst Rejected 


We have several disputes about having a customer claimed in Bucket size XXS for a POC that is running. At time of claim the AU is over 20%.
In the current T&C this means a FRP will not be rewarded for supporting the customer achieving milestones in higher bucket sizes after additional licenses were purchased.

In this scenario the FRP is spending time to support the customer but will not get paid on this. This seems illogical and not fair.

Would like other FRP experiencing similar issues to like this idea, so MSFT Program Owners can update the T&C to become eligible for the effort spend.

Status details

2021-10-27 - This functionality is on the table for discussion with OSU and we won't be able to update the AU% XXS logic until we're able to get OSU to also incorporate this change. We will update you when we know more.

2021-10-12 - Han, we are working toward a solution to ensure that if the customer has < 150 seats at time of claim, we do not use this data for calculating the AU% eligibility rule.  I anticipate we will have this incorporated into the platform in late FY22H1 / early H2.

2021-06-11 - Incentive Ops Team - 

Thank you for your suggestion regarding the XXS bucket siz. 

We understand that customers often have very few licenses initially, even mixing paid with free trial entitlements.  I have reached out to my team to discuss this issue further, and will provide an update when I know more.

2021-06-04 - Assignment Team - assigning to Partner Experience Team to triage.
Category: FPC Program ideas/suggestions