Suggested by Han Weghorst Completed 

We would like to propose MSFT adds the FastTrack Referrals and Non Incentive Referrals as co-sell motion in PartnerCenter reporting.
This would enable the partner to use one source of truth for receiving and handling leads from her partner MSFT.

Status details

2021-05-13 - Assignment Team - assigning to Partner Support Team to triage.
2021-07-08 - Partner Support - reassigning to Data & Tools. 
2021-10-13 - Data & Tools - approved for Referrals product backlog. We will update once committed to a sprint. 
Comments (2)
  • Agree - too many portals to access at present.
  • Thank you for your feedback and patience in receiving an update. With the recent move of FastTrack Referrals data into the FCU in Partner Center, we believe this request is mostly met. Referrals are now within the same platform. There may be an opportunity in the future to further unify them within Partner Center, but there are other high priority develop plans ahead of this. We are marking complete for now.