Connect forecast dates in FTOP to incentives to predict future revenue
Suggested by Irma Roossink – Completed
It would be great to connect forecast dates in FTOP to the related incentives. For example if you have forecasted June for a customer to get 40% usage on Intune, it will show the related incentive amount for that date in June. In that way we can forecast our total revenue for the upcoming months.
Category: Program Tools (non OSU) ideas/suggestions
This would just be an expansion of what is already in FTOP PowerBi. There you are able to click on a month and see which workloads are forcasted to hit the given milestones, this should merely add the potential incentives for those milestones
Hi Austin, thanks for your reply. Yes, and those potential incentives are exactly what I would like to see added.
This feedback has been added to our backlog for consideration in future versions.
Thank you Dustin Wood!
One of my partners is doing this manually, and then is able to cross reference to the CPOR Statements when they arrive. The accuracy is really close, proving that their forecasting is valid.