Incentivize workloads like M365 Copilot, Microsoft Entra ID for FastTrack Partners
Suggested by Sohong Chakraborty – Completed
As a FastTrack Ready Partner, we would like to see certain workloads like M365 Copilot, Microsoft Entra ID incentivized under the Modern Work & Security Usage Incentive program. We get a plethora of RFAs for these workloads and readily assist the customers. But incentivizing these workloads for this fiscal will lead to more skin in the game for the partners and, justify the time and effort the partners put in to deliver these FastTrack benefits.
Status details
Hello. Thank you for submitting your idea!
Although this Ideas Forum can work with any suggestions for the FPC Program (FastTrack Community Portal program), Modern Work & Security is a separate program, managed by Modern Work & Security. For your suggestion, FPC cannot impact decisions made by the Modern Work & Security team's leadership.
We will send this idea to the Modern Work & Security Usage program owner for their review.
Category: FPC Program ideas/suggestions
Hello. Thank you for submitting your idea! Although the FPC Program (FastTrack Community Portal program) is as separate program, We will be happy to share this idea with the Modern Work & Security Usage program for their review.