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Suggested by Sebastian Baca Completed 

In FTOP we were able to see who had what client assigned and be able to track each FMs/FEs portfolio. How is that doable in Partner Center?

Status details

This item is in the backlog for future development work in the tools.
Category: Program Tools (non OSU) ideas/suggestions
Comments (5)
  • Thank you for your submission. We will share with Team and will get back to you as soon as possible.
  • For global partners delivering the benefit, and using a single tenant in PC, the ability to filter by country/client tenant would be really helpful!!  Hopefully, it could also help PC run faster?  Will less data to render?
  • I agree with Sebastian, the ability to filter this detail would be a great benefit.

    Also in line with the comments that Elsa makes,
                I have the access to all our subsidiaries MPN IDs, The ability to filter the partner Center view to a specific country instead of an all up view would be both a time saver and a benefit when it comes to Data Health, Tracking, Updates and Reporting.  Currently the view in partner center means I have to manually look up each countries customers 1 at a time to check their details, This is not efficient or a great use of time.

  • The concept of a Partner-FM doesn't exist in the FCU. We can look to do something similar, adding a filter by 'Partner Contacts' in the FRP Dashboard.
  • From Microsoft: This item is considered complete now that all Microsoft contacts associated with a customer are listed in FPX.