4 years ago
Readiness and Content ideas/suggestions
[Translated] Currently, with Microsoft 365 Specialty Partner Hub, I'm looking into FastTrack.
However, items that are supported in Japanese are FastTrack Playbook and Operations Guide are few and far between. I want to have a better understanding of FastTrack. To that end, including FastTrack Ready Partner academy, Please support Japanese content for items that do not yet support Japanese content.
現在、Microsoft 365 Specialty Partner Hubを利用して、
FastTrack PlaybookとOperations Guideと少ないと思っています。
そのために、FastTrack Ready Partner Academyをはじめとした、
4 years ago
FPC Program ideas/suggestions
[Translated] Power BI is currently covered by FastTrack.
In addition to Power BI, Power Platform
I want you to add it to the privilege target.
Best regards.
現在Power BIが、FastTrackの対象となっています。
Power BIだけでなく、Power Platfrom を FastTrack の
2 years ago
FPC Program ideas/suggestions
I am aware that the only badge that can be used now is the image that is displayed on the ExpertZone results screen after passing the exam.
With only this image, for example, if you try to display the badge in a large size, the image will be rough.
We think that if we can make it possible to download by size, like large, medium, and small, the badges will be more appealing to customers.