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Suggested by Jeremy Deschner Completed 

The new POE for has a lot of boxes to check. Some of the boxes seem to overlap each other. 
For example what is the difference in Remote Guidance and Customer support?

Status details

2021-04-27 - Partner Experience Team - Provided clarity on the specific Remote Guidance and Customer support, confirmed the template is optional and may be tailored to individual organizations' needs. Feel free to submit ideas for specific edits/improvements that we can share with the OSU-M365 team!

2021-04-02 - Partner Experience Team - Assigned to documentation team to prepare a short overview of the new template and how it is intended to be used including an explanation of the different sections.

2021-02-23 - Assignment Team - assigning to Partner Experience Team to triage.
Category: FPC Program ideas/suggestions
Comments (3)
  • The new PoE template has some good features, but it isn't exactly ideal.  I have opted to not use it & will continue to use the template I designed for our team.  We have had great success with quick approvals using our template and I prefer not to fix what isn't broken.
    Here is a thought..... when a decision is made to change or create something the FRPs use often, how about bringing a few in to help w/ the design/planning?  If the goal is to make the process better then why not get help from those who are in the trenches every day?  
  • I implemented our design to our engagements as POE. MSFT made a good deal with the new template but it's still way pointless. POE should be simple and understandable easily when customer gets it in hands. So 2 pages of POE I designed. First page is customer acknowledge and second page is kinda short SoW.
    So MSFT is giving us choice. Decide to use or not use it. They are learning from us. 
  • Thank you for your feedback regarding the POE template.

    This template was designed in collaboration with partner input and the FRP program team; however, we recognize it is not one-size-fits-all, and that individual organizations may have developed their own POE templates to best suit their practices. By design the template available in Partner Center is more extensive than the previous version (previously 2 sections, now 4) to capture more clarity and address a broader variety of scenarios.

    Specifically, the difference between Remote Guidance and Customer Support is as follows:
    • Remote Guidance: providing deployment and/or migration guidance to customers remotely (via phone, email, Teams, etc. – anything not in person)
    • Customer Support: providing support for previously existing solutions (customers beyond the deployment and migration phases).