CPOR registration
Suggested by Maylinn Moseid – Rejected – 8 Comments
If we could make the CPOR registration more automatic, we might have registered more customers. I think that the recognition can be collected in the same way as the customer answers a customer survey. We go into the partner center and tick the workloads we want to register. Then we write bullet points in a column under the checkbox, then this is sent in an automated form to the customer. Who then receives an email with an overview and a choice between acknowledging this or not. The customer can press a button that says yes, we acknowledge this, or the customer can choose to decline. If the customer accepts, the registration is automatically returned to Partner Center and the claim is processed. This requires good contact and information to the customer. -
Change Log for FastTrack Microsoft Learn Page
Suggested by Stephen Brown – New – 1 Comments
Is it possible to include a change log whenever the FastTrack Microsoft learn page is updated? Changes and updates are made fairly frequently throughout the year (Products and Capabilities, Entra, Sentinel, Office 365 sections), but it is not really clear what has been updated. FastTrack Center Benefit for Microsoft 365 - FastTrack – Microsoft 365 | Microsoft Learn -
Microsoft seller awareness of FastTrack
Any plans to better educate the Microsoft sellers on the FastTrack benefit? Many times we encounter sellers proposing FastTrack to customers and overselling what is actually in scope for the benefit. -
Allow FastTrack Referral Emails to be Used for CPOR
Suggested by Chris Krebs – Rejected – 2 Comments
Allow Partners to use the FastTrack email referrals as a means to attach to the customer's requested workload. I have used this before with the customer responding back to the email with the CPOR language included and a request for a response approving the Partner attachment and it was approved. My last attempt has been rejected by the POE Validation Team even when referencing the previous approved claim. Make it easy on the customer and the Partner to get the Fasttrack engagement started. -
Tech Plus Since the partner can no longer access the service, I would like to create a separate portal where the service summary can be obtained にパートナーがアクセスできなくなったので、サービス概要書等を入手できるポータルを別途作成してほしい
Suggested by Chie Kawaguchi – Rejected – 2 Comments
Tech Plus にパートナーがアクセスできなくなったので、サービス概要書等を入手できるポータルを別途作成してほしい最新のサービスの概要書、技術要件書などが、FPMやPDM等に相談しないと入手できない。相談してもタイミングによっては、すぐ入手できなくて困る場合がある。ほしいデータとしては下記。今は Copilot とか AI 関連のサイトもあれば。Since partners no longer have access to Tech Plus, I would like to create a separate portal where they can obtain service overviews, etc.The latest service overviews and technical requirements are not available without consulting with FPM or PDM. Even if you consult, depending on the timing, you may not be able to get it right away. The data you want is as follows.Now there's Copilot and other AI-related sites.Enterprise Mobility + Security - 技術ドキュメント Technical DocumentationM365 Security & Compliance - 技術ドキュメント Technical DocumentationMicrosoft Azure - 技術ドキュメントTechnical DocumentationMicrosoft Viva - ドキュメント DocumentMicrosoft Viva - 技術ドキュメントTechnical DocumentationOffice Client - 技術ドキュメントTechnical DocumentationPower BI Analytics - 技術ドキュメントTechnical DocumentationPowerApps Flow - 技術ドキュメントTechnical DocumentationSharePoint - 技術ドキュメントTechnical DocumentationTeams - 技術ドキュメントTechnical DocumentationWindows Client - 技術ドキュメントTechnical DocumentationWindows Client - 標準ドキュメントTechnical Documentation -
Feedback on Statement Breakdown for Online Service Usage Earnings
Suggested by Ayman Samir – Rejected – 1 Comments
partners have encountered difficulties in locating a clear and detailed breakdown of the earnings. Specifically, they are unable to determine:When the usage was captured: The statements do not clearly indicate the time period during which the usage occurred.
Which customer or workload the earnings were achieved from: There is a lack of information linking the earnings to specific customers or workloadsCurrently Partner Center statement doesn't offer these information -
LXP Dashboard: SKUs of customers who already have E5 in the base data are handled by O365 のベースデータでE5を既に持っている顧客のSKUがO365で扱われている
Suggested by Shigetsugu Kurosawa – Accepted – 2 Comments
LXP Dashboard(Opportunities)で実態として該当しない顧客がオポチュニティとして表示されるため、SKUの判定ロジックを見直し、正しいSKUで扱われるように変えて欲しい。例) 既にME5をお持ちのお客様のSKUがO365と扱われているケースがあります。 Since customers who do not actually fall under this category are displayed as opportunities, I would like to see the SKU judgment logic reviewed and changed so that it is handled with the correct SKU.For example, there are cases where customers who already have ME5 have SKUs that are treated as O365. -
FRP Dashboard with activated usage tracking by customer and workload
Suggested by Francisco Bistrain – Rejected – 1 Comments
It would be great to have a dashboard with time line on FRP that sohws:
- Customer
- Active Usage per workload grow
- Incentive achieved
- Time line graphic
The portal of Partner Center is not greate to help us identify payments of active usage, so, with this dashboard from FRP we would have a history record to match and identify the payments origins.Thanks -
CPOR Claim Workloads List
Suggested by Stephen Brown – Completed – 1 Comments
With the updates that have been made to the workload names, it would be helpful to have the workloads listed in Partner Center updated to reflect the current workload names listed in the FastTrack Product and Capability index.Azure Active Directory Premium Conditional Access -> Microsoft Entra ID Premium Conditional AccessInsider Risk Manager -> Microsoft Purview Insider RiskOr alternatively, if a guide/document can be created that details what workloads in Partner Center line up with the workloads mentioned in the FastTrack Product and Capability index. -
Partner call presentation in PowerPoint Live
Suggestion for next event - Explore presenting slides via PowerPoint Live in the meeting so that the links in the slides are clickable for the audience. Something I learned when conducting webinars