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Adding POE Download link in Partner Center CPOR Section
Suggested by Ayman Samir – Completed – 0 Comments
To make sure that the most recent POE is used, in the Partner Center > Incentive | Customer Claim Section, include the POE document direct download link with the latest version of the file. -
Bring back the original FRP dashboard
Suggested by Marc Saab – Completed – 2 Comments
Bring back the original FRP dashboard into partner center.This is an important feature for our program and without it we are blindsided.Please, please, please, whomever is the product manager for this function, we need the original report back, with all the tabs and filters.The data source for this report stopped working since November 2023, and now is back again without the latest refresh and only showing 3 reports.Please do not neglect partners, if the tool is working don't break it! -
Add estimated Finacial earnings in partner Centre.
Suggested by Lerato Vilakazi – Completed – 0 Comments
Adding estimated earnings in partner center is important for fasttrack ready partners for several reasons. First, it helps partners to track their progress and performance against their goals and expectations. By adding their estimated earnings, partners can see how much they have earned, how much they are eligible to earn, and how much they need to earn to reach the next level of incentives. This can help them to plan their sales and marketing strategies, identify opportunities and challenges, and optimize their cloud business.
Second, it helps Microsoft to provide better support and guidance to partners. By adding their estimated earnings, partners can share their feedback and insights with Microsoft on the fasttrack program, the cloud solutions, and the customer needs and preferences. This can help Microsoft to improve the quality and relevance of the fasttrack benefits and resources, tailor the communication and engagement with partners, and address any issues or concerns that partners may have.
Third, it helps to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the incentive payments. By adding their estimated earnings, partners can verify that their earnings are correctly calculated and reported, and that they match the actual customer adoption and usage of the cloud solutions. This can help to avoid any discrepancies or disputes that may arise between partners and Microsoft, and to ensure that partners receive their incentives on time and in full.
Therefore, adding estimated earnings in partner center is a crucial step for fasttrack ready partners to maximize their benefits and grow their cloud business. It is also a way for partners to demonstrate their commitment and alignment with Microsoft's vision and strategy for the cloud. We encourage all fasttrack ready partners to add their estimated earnings in partner center as soon as possible, and to update them regularly as their business evolves.
Pending Payment Report
Suggested by Roberto Sandrini – Completed – 1 Comments
FRP partners are in need of a report that shows them what payments are "in transit", meaning pending payments for earning adoption with customers that have not yet been posted, but are pending to be posted.