

Important note! You must sign the FastTrack Partner Community Terms and Conditions before you can sign any other program terms and conditions.

Agreements records represent your organization's (PartnerID's) decision to participate in a FastTrack Partner Community program or offering. These can be found under My Memberships, the Partner Contact with Program Administrator rights can select Agreements.

Landing page showing My Membership, Agreements

Two types of Agreements​

The program administrator can access:

  1. All Agreements: Displays all program agreements
  2. Agreements Pending Action: The Status column only displays agreements in the Sent status.


How to accept or decline Agreements​

Step 1: Click the MPN# link to get into the agreement details.

Agreements How to accept or decline

Step 2: Accept or decline the Terms & Conditions in the Agreement Status field after reviewing the Agreement Details and select Submit. The image below is an example of the fields and options available. 

Important Notes!

  • In the Agreement Status field, Partner Program Admins will see a dropdown menu (the field is highlighted in the image with a red box). Other members of the partner organization will not have a dropdown menu.
  • Once the agreement has been accepted or declined and submitted, it can no longer be edited.


Agreements Details with data in fields


Step 3: After submitting the Agreement Record, it will be saved reflecting the Status Reason, Status Change Date, And Status Changed by Partner Contact Name. See the example below.


Agreements with fields completed


Agreements with fields completed


Note: For any access or accept/decline issues please open a support ticket