Views: 2527

In this article: To add user | Select Portal Role | Self-Service Portal Role form | Remove contact | Confirm selection | Manage Portal Role


Program Details 

On the FastTrack Community Portal, select My Memberships, Program Memberships. To see program details, select either Program or View Program Membership Details (as seen in the screenshot below).

The top section displays the partner's Program Membership details. This section cannot be edited online. If any information is incorrect and/or needs to be updated, submit a ticket via Partner Support.


Program Memberships, View Program Membership Details 


Select View Program Membership Details and select Additional Contacts or scroll down to the Additional Contacts section.


Program Membership Details, Additional Contacts 


You can view the contacts associated with the program and their role.


Main Program Contacts 


For more information on Program Membership roles and portal access, review Role/Portal Access for details.

Payment Central contact. This is the contact individual who is identified during the Partner Onboarding process. Note: This contact does not automatically have the ability to view statements. They will need to be added to the Portal Roles by the Program Admin.

To add user

Select Create to add a user.


Additional Contacts, Create button 


Select the Search icon (see image below) to select the new user’s portal Role Type.


Self-Service Portal Role Create form, lookup field under Role Type 


Role Types and their functions 


Select Portal Role

In Lookup records, select the correct partner team member role, then click the Select button.


Lookup records page 


Self-Service Portal Role form

Fill in the Required Information (marked with red asterisk).

Set the Send Portal Invitation? to Yes. This will send an email to the new user with their individualized invitation code to redeem for access to the Community Portal.


Create, Self-Service Portal Role Create form, Send Portal Invitation option 


Note: Portal roles added using the Create, Self-Service Portal Role Form may take up to 15 minutes to appear in the list.

Remove contact

An existing contact in the organization no longer requires access to the Program Membership:

Select the down arrow next to the Contact’s name, choose Deactivate.


Deactivate option for a contact 


Confirm selection

Review the deactivated record before selecting the Deactivate button. The deactivation is permanent.


Deactivate confirmation page 


Manage Portal Role

Select the Search tool by the existing Role Type to open list to change the user’s role.


Lookup records page

Comments (1)
  • Feedback - This is amazing to see that we can now send the portal invitation to team members without them having to request the redemption invitation! Much needed and much appreciated!