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In this article: Tenant Details | Edu Tenants| Partner Support

Tenant Details​

To view the tenant's detailed information, select the percentile in the Usage % column.

Example: To see detailed information for the tenant Contoso Ltd. in the Usage % column, select 15%.

Tenant Details information


The tenant's account will display the following information:

  • Workloads
    • Workloads claimed by your organization will have the claim number displayed.
    • Workloads that are claimed by other partners will not be displayed.
    • For claimed and unclaimed workloads, usage information will be visible once there is at least one claimed workload on the tenant.
  • Monthly Active Users (MAU): The number of unique users who have taken an intentional action in the last 28 days.
  • Paid Available Units (PAU): Paid available units is the measure of paid licenses on a tenant - Microsoft has recognized revenue for those licenses.
  • Usage %: The ratio of monthly active users divided by the paid available units.
  • Prior HWM (HWM): The highest all-time MAU.
  • Starting HWM: The highest all-time MAU before the partner association date.
  • Opportunity Units: The number of unearned eligible units as defined by the rate card. (Generally, the difference between PAU and prior HWM.)*
  • Rate per Unit: The per user incentive value provided from the Rate Card.*
  • Max Compensable Unit: Calculated by dividing the Rate Card's maximum incentive earning opportunity by its rate per compensable unit.*
  • Potential Earnings: Calculated by multiplying a workload's opportunity units by the rate per unit.*

*These fields are provided for the Modern Work and Security Usage Incentive eligible workloads.

Tenant account


Edu Tenants​

EDU tenants are flagged, as shown in image below. The MAU for these tenants may meet or exceed 100% usage as it reports both eligible faculty and ineligible student users.

Flagged EDU tenants

Partner Support​

Need support? Review Partner Support Tool: How to use resources or submit a request to Partner Support.