In this article: Tenant Details | Edu Tenants| Partner Support
Tenant Details
To view the tenant's detailed information, select the percentile in the Usage % column.
Example: To see detailed information for the tenant Contoso Ltd. in the Usage % column, select 15%.
The tenant's account will display the following information:
- Workloads
- Workloads claimed by your organization will have the claim number displayed.
- Workloads that are claimed by other partners will not be displayed.
- For claimed and unclaimed workloads, usage information will be visible once there is at least one claimed workload on the tenant.
- Monthly Active Users (MAU): The number of unique users who have taken an intentional action in the last 28 days.
- Paid Available Units (PAU): Paid available units is the measure of paid licenses on a tenant - Microsoft has recognized revenue for those licenses.
- Usage %: The ratio of monthly active users divided by the paid available units.
- Prior HWM (HWM): The highest all-time MAU.
- Starting HWM: The highest all-time MAU before the partner association date.
- Opportunity Units: The number of unearned eligible units as defined by the rate card. (Generally, the difference between PAU and prior HWM.)*
- Rate per Unit: The per user incentive value provided from the Rate Card.*
- Max Compensable Unit: Calculated by dividing the Rate Card's maximum incentive earning opportunity by its rate per compensable unit.*
- Potential Earnings: Calculated by multiplying a workload's opportunity units by the rate per unit.*
*These fields are provided for the Modern Work and Security Usage Incentive eligible workloads.
Edu Tenants
EDU tenants are flagged, as shown in image below. The MAU for these tenants may meet or exceed 100% usage as it reports both eligible faculty and ineligible student users.
Partner Support
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