
In this article: Overview | How to register customers | Award | Program Partner Eligibiilty | Eligible Customers | How it Works |How to Earn Incentive(s) |Rate Card | Submitting SOW/POE before receiving customer approval | FAQ


On the FastTrack Partner Community Portal partners must register customers for all Quick to Market (QTM) programs that the partner has received an invitation to participate in.

More detail can be found in the Program Membership Overview knowledge article.

How to register customers

1. In the Partner Community Portal, select My Workspace, Registration.


My Workspace


2. Select the Create button.




3. Select the Registration Type button and then select the Quick to Market program. As shown in the image below, the list displayed only includes those programs that a partner is participating in, i.e. EDU Modern Management Intune.


Registration type


4. In the Program Membership field, use the Search tool to display the Lookup records table. Note: All the QTM programs that the partner is participating in are displayed. Below is an example of the partner organization and the program they are participating in.


Program Membership


Select the program that you want to create a customer record in, as shown.


Select program


5. On the Registration Create form, complete each field with customer information. Note: Mandatory information is marked with an “*”. See the following example.


Customer registration complete


6. Required documents for the program will be linked on this page. 

Important! Partners are encouraged to review their Statements of Work with the QTM team prior to obtaining a customer signature to ensure the document can be approved when submitted. After this review, complete and return any required documents to ensure that customer registration is completed, and the program requirements are adhered to. 


  • Statement of Work: Download the template, fill it out, and sign it with your customer.
  • Upload the SOW (initial redemption) or POE (final redemption) and submit.


Registration Create


7. After providing all of the customer information, select Submit. If any required data is missing, you will receive a message requesting additional information.

8. If all the information has been provided, the following screen is displayed.





9. If you select Registrations, it will take you to My Workspace, Registrations, My Registrations, and the record you just created will be displayed.


Registration complete


10. In the customer record, you can select the down arrow to View Details.


View Details


11. View Details will show that the customer has been registered, the status of the registration, and all attachments.


View Status


11. Related Tasks shows the status of the customer registration as the QTM team processes the customer record, reviews the the Statement of Work, Proof of Execution, or other forms as the customer engagement moves from initiation to completion.


Task attachments


Important! Some Quick to Market programs require that documents are uploaded at both the beginning and end of the engagement. In these scenarios, partners will need to come back to this record throughout the duration of the engagement to upload required documents which are outlined in the program guidance.