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In this article: Overview | 2024 Partner Success Stories | Example of a winning submission | Resources


We wish to celebrate our partners’ outstanding success with their customers through their innovations combined with FastTrack resources.

Included in this article are partner success stories, information on how to create a successful submission, and an example of a successful entry, 2023 Partner of the Year winner, Dell Corporation.

If you would like to submit a success story for publication on the Community Portal, submit your success story here, and connect with your partner manager.

2024 Partner Success Stories

Makronet | A Noventiq Company

Makronet demonstrates in this video how they have taken Microsoft product deployment and adoption processes to a whole new level by gamifying each step.

By combining Microsoft products and FastTrack API integration, Makronet has reimagined their customer workflows and found value from the API integration.

Through unique and inventive resources, such as Makronet’s platform, MyAdmin, they can find and enable new customers, drive usage growth and license upselling with existing customers, while increasing overall efficiencies and decreasing overhead.

Makronet has empowered their customers, putting everything at their fingertips.

Example of a winning submission

Dell Corporation, 2023 FastTrack Ready Partner of the Year Winner

Examples of winning customer scenarios
