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In this article: Program Summary | Offer Effective Date | Award | Program Partner Eligibiilty | Eligible Customers | How it Works |How to Earn Incentive(s) |Rate Card | Submitting SOW/POE before receiving customer approval | FAQ

Program summary​

The Business Applications Program is an opportunity for invited partners focused on helping eligible customers onboard and consuming Microsoft Dynamics 365 workloads to earn incentives.   This Deployment Offer is for SMC-C customers to accelerate deployment and consumption of Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Power Platforms opportunities by positioning a limited time offer for deployment funds through eligible partners. Review the Business Applications Offer Program Terms and Conditions.

As of July 1, 2024, Microsoft-nominated customers making a new and qualifying purchase during the offer period are eligible to receive services credit to be used with a FastTrack Ready Partner.

Offer Effective Date

February 5, 2024, through June 30, 2024, or until all vouchers have been claimed.

There are a limited number of vouchers available. Program offer rules are subject to change.


  • Only partners onboarded as an eligible partner for this offer can support the execution of this offer. 
  • Microsoft field resource must nominate the customer to be eligible to receive the voucher.
  • The voucher must be communicated to the customer during pre-sales once the voucher slot is confirmed (voucher is issued after deal is signed.)
  • Final approval occurs after revenue is booked and the deal has closed in MSSales.
  • 30% voucher value is paid to partner once SOW is accepted, 70% based on POE is paid for finalized work with customer sign-off (Public Sector Accounts: 100% is paid once signed SOW and POE have both been submitted and accepted.) 
  • All POE’s should be submitted by June 30, 2024.

Partner Program Eligibility

  • Program Partners are nominated by the Microsoft field. *Eligibility requirements are based on information in Partner Center and aggregated performance data where partner has identified customer engagements for commercial licensed customers, tenants, and services which excludes education licensed customers, tenants, and services.
  • Partners must be invited to the program by receiving an email invitation from Microsoft.
  • Must be a partner eligible to deliver End Customer Investment Fund (ECIF) Projects (“ECIF Supplier”).
  • Partners must read and accept the Program Terms and Conditions.
  • Partners must become a member of the Business Applications Partner (BAP) Program in PRM

*The program has a limited capacity of 50 Program Partners.

Eligible Customers

  • Small, Medium, and Commercial (SMC) Corporate customers, SMC Corporate Nonprofit (TSI), SMC Government customers, and select Small and Medium Businesses (SMB).

*Non-profit, Education, and Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) customers are ineligible for this Program.

How it Works

The Microsoft field will nominate eligible customers to receive a Business Applications Deployment Offer voucher to help accelerate deployment and consumption of Microsoft Dynamics 365 qualifying workloads.  The services credit(s) are to be redeemed through a Business Applications Partner.

The Business Applications Partner is responsible for engaging with eligible customers to assist in deploying and consuming Microsoft Dynamic 365 services by:

  1. Submitting voucher redemptions through the QTM Voucher Redemption tool.
  2. Ensuring the eligible customer is enabled for all engaged Microsoft Dynamics 365 workloads. 
  3. Submitting and updating eligible customer engagement data as requested.

The Business Applications Deployment Offer voucher includes:

  • Business Applications Deployment Offer voucher: Deployment services credit to be redeemed for the deployment and consumption of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Qualifying Workloads. 

*Limited to one Deployment Offer per TPID only.


How to Earn Incentive(s)

Step 1:  The Business Applications Partner will download the Business Applications Deployment Offer Program Statement of Work (SOW) template, complete the template and obtain the eligible customer’s signature, submit a Voucher Redemption request before the expiration date of June 30, 2024. *Note: 30% voucher value for Commercial Customers.

Step 2: The Business Applications Partner will download the Business Applications Deployment Offer program Proof of Execution (POE) template, complete the template and obtain the eligible customer’s signature and submit the final Voucher Redemption request by the expiration date of June 30, 2024.  *NOTE: 70% of voucher value for Commercial Customers and 100% of voucher value for Public Sector Accounts.
*Note: All vouchers require separate SOW and POE and redemption submissions. 

*Note: Unless SOW and POE are both submitted and approved by the expiration date of June 30, 2024, identified on the voucher, the Business Applications Partner will only receive the approved SOW 30% payment for Commercial Customers. 

*Note: Microsoft will evaluate the request for eligibility. If approved, the Business Applications Partner will receive an approval notification from 

*Note: Microsoft will evaluate the request for eligibility. If approved, the Business Applications Partner will receive an approval notification and then the funds according to the payment terms (Business Application Partner Program Terms and Conditions apply).

Rate Card

Program Rate Card

Business Applications Deployment Offer Incentives

OffersIncentive Eligible DatesVoucher ValueWorkload

Business Applications Voucher

February 5, 2024 through June 30, 2024Up to $100,000Deploying and consuming Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Power Platform Qualifying Workloads for deals > $150,000 Annual Contract Value

* The Business Applications Deployment Offer voucher cannot be combined with another offer.


Submitting SOW/POE before receiving customer approval

Partners may submit their SOW and POE before receiving customer approval. It is critical that this document is correctly completed for the Voucher Type being redeemed. Partners may contact to review this document prior to submitting the initial redemption request.


Q: What are the Program Benefits?

A: Eligible partners are invited by Microsoft to join the program.  Eligible customers are identified by the Microsoft field and incentives can be achieved. 

Q: Who Nominates Eligible Customer’s for claiming a voucher?

A. The Microsoft field will nominate Eligible Customers to receive a Business Applications Deployment Offer voucher to help accelerate deployment and consumption of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Qualifying Workloads.  The services credit(s) are to be redeemed through a Business Applications Partner. 

Q: What is the Business Applications Partner Program?

A: The Business Applications Partner Program is an opportunity for program partners focused on helping eligible customers to onboard and consume Microsoft Dynamics 365 workloads to earn incentives. The Program runs from February 5, 2024, through June 30, 2024.

Q: Who is eligible to participate in the Program?

A: To be eligible for consideration for the program, partners must have an Active Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program Membership and meet the Eligibility Requirements. Program Partner Eligibility Requirements include being a partner eligible to deliver End Customer Investment Fund (ECIF) Projects and being invited by Microsoft to join the program.

Q: How can I enroll in the Program?

A: Eligible partners may only be invited by Microsoft to join the program. Once they receive the invitation, they will need to read and accept the program terms and conditions to begin onboarding to the program. 

Q: What are the Program Partner Responsibilities?

A: Program partners are responsible for engaging with eligible customers to assist in deploying and consuming Microsoft Dynamic 365 services by submitting voucher redemptions through the QTM Voucher Redemption tool, ensuring the eligible customer is enabled for all engaged Microsoft Dynamics 365 workloads, and submitting and updating eligible customer engagement data as requested.

Q: Who are the Eligible Customers for the Business Applications Deployment Offer?

A: The Eligible Customers that can be nominated for this Business Applications Deployment Offer program are Small, Medium and Commercial (SMC) Corporate customers, SMC Corporate Nonprofit (TSI), and SMC Government customers.

Comments (2)
  • Rate Card has listed M365 workloads instead of D365.   Is this accurate?   
  • Hello Sebastian,  This should be Microsoft Dynamics 365, I have corrected the information to reflect that.