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In this article: How it Works | Offer Terms | Eligible Customers | Commercial Customer Proof of Execution | Commercial Customer Redemption Process | Public Sector Customer Proof of Execution | Public Sector Customer How to Redeem | Common Questions | Countries that are included in the Office365 E1+ Offer

As of July 1, 2023, Microsoft-nominated customers making a new and qualifying purchase during the offer period are eligible to receive services credit to be used with a FastTrack Ready Partner.

How it works

Once an approved customer makes a qualified purchase, they will receive a voucher that can be redeemed with their existing FastTrack Ready Partner. If the customer isn’t working with an FRP they can select and assess a FastTrack Ready Partner from the FastTrack Ready approved partners list. The customer will present the partner with the Voucher ID email which will enable the partner to begin work and initiate voucher redemption and payment requests. 

Offer Terms 

  • Offer valid on qualifying M365 workload purchases made July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024, for nominated customers.
  • Deployment services credit must be redeemed within 6 months of the voucher issuance. The voucher expiration date is stated on the voucher.
  • Limit of one type of voucher per customer, which may not be redeemed by or transferred to another customer. Please review FastTrack Partner Community Terms and Conditions for Modern Work and Security Deployment Offer Program for full details.

Eligible Customers

  • Commercial, SME Corporate, Public Sector (excluding US Federal), and Education customers only.
  • M365 Deployment and M365 Migration and Deployment vouchers cannot be combined. However, either of these vouchers can be combined with the M365 Copilot Deployment Offer.

Eligible Commercial and Public Sector Customers

The Microsoft field will nominate Eligible Customers to receive a voucher in deployment services credit to be redeemed through a Program Partner for the deployment and migration of M365 services and or deployment services credit to be redeemed for the deployment of M365 E3 and E5, Compliance, Frontline Worker (F3 and F5) attached to M365 E3/M365 E5, Teams Phone, or Office365 E1+ (in specific emerging markets only) workloads.

Commercial, SMC Corporate, Public Sector (excluding US Federal), and Education customers only.

Non-profit, US Federal, GPP, and CSP accounts are ineligible for this program

Commercial Customer: Proof of Execution

  • 50% Payment: Submission and approval of signed Statement of Work (refer to SOW template) between partner and customer.
  • 50% Payment: Submission and approval of signed Proof of Execution (refer to POE template) between partner and customer.

Per the FastTrack Partner Community Terms and Conditions, deployment services within the scope of the FastTrack Benefit must be provided at no cost to the customer. All other services supporting the qualified offer deployment can be considered billable and usable for the workload indicated on the voucher.

Commercial Customer: Redemption Process

How to redeem

The voucher will be redeemed in two (2) parts, Initial Payment and Final Payment per the process outlined. Each payment will be 50% of the voucher value or SOW value, whichever is less.

Redemption of both payments must be completed within six months of being issued indicated by the expiration date on the voucher. It is possible for a voucher to be redeemed for the initial payment but not qualify for the final payment if the six (6) month voucher expires.

Redemption process

  1. The Program Partner will download the program Statement of Work (SOW) template, complete the template and obtain the customer’s signature, submit an Initial Payment Request of 50% of the voucher value or SOW value, whichever is less, prior to the expiration date on the voucher, and upload the signed SOW.
  2. Quick to Market (QTM) Registrations will evaluate the request for eligibility. Once approved, the partner will receive an approval notification, and then the funds according to standard timelines documented in the FastTrack Partner Community Terms and Conditions.
  3. Upon completion of the project, the partner will download the program Proof of Execution (POE) template, complete the template and obtain the customer’s signature and submit the Final Payment Request of 50% of the voucher value or SOW value, whichever is less, prior to the expiration date on the voucher.
  4. QTM Registrations will evaluate the request for eligibility. If approved, the Program Partner will receive an approval notification and then the funds according to standard timelines documented in the FastTrack Partner Community Terms and Conditions. Review the Payment and Dispute guidance if you have any questions.

The voucher redemption value is fixed and is based on the value of the qualifying M365 (E3/E5), Frontline Worker (F3/F5) attached to M365 E3/E5, Compliance and Teams Phone workload purchase(s).

Public Sector Customer: Proof of execution

The voucher may be redeemed per the following process. For compliance reasons, Public Sector customer vouchers are not eligible for an initial upfront payment. Accordingly, a single payment for 100% of the voucher value or SOW value, whichever is less, will be made based on submitting and having approved an Initial Payment Request and a Final Payment Request per the process outlined below. This means it is possible for a voucher to be redeemed but not qualify for payment if the six (6) month voucher expiration date occurs prior to submission of the Final Payment Request.

  • Submission and approval of signed Statement of Work (refer to SOW template) between partner and customer.
  • 100% Payment: Submission and approval of signed Proof of Execution (refer to POE template) between partner and customer.

Per the FastTrack Partner Community Terms and Conditions, deployment services within the FastTrack Benefit must be provided at no cost to the customer. All other services supporting the qualified offer deployment can be considered billable and aligned to the intended use of the voucher.

Public Sector Customer: How to redeem

Redemption Process

  1. The Program Partner will download the program Statement of Work (SOW) template, complete the template and obtain the customer’s signature and upload the signed SOW.
  2. QTM Registrations will evaluate the request for eligibility. If approved, the Program Partner will receive an approval notification.
  3. The Program Partner will download the program Proof of Execution (POE) template, complete the template and obtain the customer’s signature and submit the Final Payment Request of 100% of the voucher value or SOW value, whichever is less, prior to the expiration date on the voucher.
  4. QTM Registrations will evaluate the request for eligibility. If approved, the Program Partner will receive an approval notification and then the funds according to standard timelines documented in the FastTrack Partner Community Terms and Conditions. Review the Payment and Dispute guidance if you have any questions.
  5. The voucher redemption value is fixed and is based on the value of the qualifying M365 (E3/E5), Frontline Worker (F3/F5) attached to M365 E3/E5, Compliance and Teams Phone workload purchase(s).

Common questions

What are the FY24 Modern Work and Security Deployment Offer Incentives?

M365 Migration & Deployment Offer and M365 Deployment Offer. Limited to one M365 Deployment Offer or one M365 Migration & Deployment Offer per TPID. These vouchers cannot be combined, however the M365 Copilot Deployment Offer can be combined with the M365 Deployment Offer or the M365 Migration & Deployment Offer.

Is there a Modern Work and Security Deployment Offer incentive targeted to emerging markets?

Yes. As of May 7, 2024, there is an additional SKU for SMC-C customers located in ASEAN, India and LATAM countries only to promote additional security and productivity features. These customers can utilize the M365 Deployment Offer Voucher or the M365 Migration & Deployment Offer Voucher.

The Office365 E1+ SKU includes: Office365 E1, Office 365 DLP, Entra ID Premium P1 and Intune workloads, and the amount of the voucher is based on the value of the qualifying workload purchase.

Countries that are included in the Office365 E1+ Offer

The O365 E1+ SKU is only offered in the following countries:

  • ASEAN: Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam.
  • India
  • LATAM: Antarctica, Argentina, Bahamas, Belize, Bermuda, Bhutan, Bolivia, Brazil, Caribbean New Markets (Excl. Cuba), Cayman Islands, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Turks and Caicos Islands, Uruguay, Venezuela.

How do I redeem the Office365 E1+ Offer?

This SKU can be used for either the M365 Deployment Offer or the M365 Migration & Deployment Offer voucher. Redemption works the same as with the other eligible workloads as described in the Redemption Process. Vouchers expire six (6) months after issue date. 

What can each offer voucher type be used for?

  • M365 Deployment Offer Voucher can be used to deploy eligible workloads: M365 E3 and E5, Frontline Worker (F3 and F5) attached to M365 E3/M365 E5, Compliance, Teams Phone.
      • For Office365 E1+: Office365 E1, Office 365 DLP, Entra ID Premium P1 and Intune workloads.
  • M365 Migration & Deployment Offer Voucher can be used to migrate and deploy eligible workloads: M365 E3 and E5, Frontline Worker (F3 and F5) attached to M365 E3/M365 E5, Compliance, Teams Phone. Customers must be doing a migration from Office On Premises products and/or one or more compete migration from all competitors.
    • For Office365 E1+: Office365 E1, Office 365 DLP, Entra ID Premium P1 and Intune workloads.

Can M365 Migration & Deployment Offer be combined with M365 Deployment Offer?

No, customers are limited to one M365 Deployment Offer or one M365 Migration & Deployment Offer per TPID. These vouchers cannot be combined.

Can the M365 Migration & Deployment Offer be used for Tenant-to-Tenant migration?

No, customers must be performing a migration from Office on premises products and/or one or more compete migrations from any competitor.

Can a voucher be transferred to another customer?

No, it cannot be redeemed by or transferred to another customer. It can only be redeemed by the customer to whom it was issued.

Where can I find the terms and conditions (T&C's) for this offer?

The FY24 FastTrack Partner Community Terms and Conditions.

What is the nomination process? Are FRPs able to initiate this offer to their customers?
The Microsoft Field Representative will identify customers who meet the eligibility requirements for this offer. There is no partner nomination process. FRPs cannot nominate customers.
Please work with your customer’s Microsoft Account team to have a customer nominated.

How will the partner know if their customer has been issued a voucher?
Customers receive an email with the voucher, they then present the voucher to the FRP of their choice to engage.

What are the eligibility criteria?
Key eligibility elements are as follows:

  • Eligible migration and deployment workloads: M365 E3/E5, Frontline Worker (F3 and F5) attached to M365 E3/M365 E5, Compliance, Teams Phone.
    • For emerging markets only: Office365 E1+.
  • Customers must be performing a migration from Office on Premises products and/or one or more compete migrations from all competitor for the M365 Migration & Deployment Offer.
  • This offer is for Commercial, SMC Corporate, Public Sector (excluding US Federal), and Education customers only. 
    • Non-profit, US Federal, GPP and CSP are not eligible.

What products are eligible?
The following list is illustrative of some of the products that are eligible but is not an exhaustive list:

M365 ProductsM365 Migration & Deployment Offer
M365 E5 (Enterprise & SMC)
SRSD: EMS - M365 Suites E5, E5 -M365 Compliance, E5 - M365 Security | O365 - M365 Suites E5, E5 -M365 Compliance, E5 - M365 Security | Windows - M365 Suites E5, E5 -M365 Compliance, E5 - M365 Security
M365 E3 (Enterprise & SMC) WW (SRSD: EMS - M365 Suites Core O365 - M365 Suites Core Windows - M365 Suites Core
M365 E3 M365 E3 (Enterprise & SMC)
SRSD: EMS - M365 Suites Core | O365 - M365 Suites Core | Windows - M365 Suites Core
M365 E5 (Enterprise & SMC) WW (SRSD: EMS - M365 Suites E5, E5 -M365 Compliance, E5 - M365 Security | O365 - M365 Suites E5, E5 -M365 Compliance, E5 - M365 Security | Windows - M365 Suites E5, E5 -M365 Compliance, E5 - M365 Security)
FLW F3 and F5– Attached to New M365 E3/M365 E5
FLW F3 and F5– Attached to New M365 E3/M365 E5
Office365 E1+ (SMC-C, emerging markets only) Office365 E1, Office 365 DLP, Entra ID Premium P1 and Intune workloadsOffice365 E1+ (SMC-C, emerging markets only) Office365 E1, Office 365 DLP, Entra ID Premium P1 and Intune workloads
Customer can use voucher to migrate and deploy eligible workloads: M365 E3/E5, Frontline Worker (F3 and F5) attached to new M365 E3/E5, Compliance, Phone.

Customers must be doing a migration from Office on Premises products and/or one or more compete migrations from all competitors.


Which customers are ineligible?

Non-profit, US Federal, GPP and CSP customers are ineligible.

What is my earning opportunity with this offer?


OffersIncentive Eligible DatesEnterprise (up to amounts)SMC-C Managed (up to amounts)Workloads
M365 Deployment OfferJuly 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024$75,000 (Starting Jan 1, 2024, deals >$750K no longer eligible)$25,000 Deals >$750K up to $50,000M365 E3 & E5 workloads, FLW (F3/F5) attached to M365 E3/M365 E5, Compliance, Teams Phone.
FY24 M365
Deployment –
Limited time for
Vouchers issued in
April 1, 2024 to
June 30, 2024
(Deal must close by June 30, 2024)
(Deals > $950K not eligible)
Deals >$750K up to $95,000
M365 E3 & E5 workloads, FLW (F3/F5) attached to M365 E3/M365 E5, Compliance, Teams
FY24 M365 Deployment – Limited availability for emerging marketsMay 7, 2024 to June 30, 2024N/AUp to $95,000
(Deals >$635K not eligible)
O365 E1+ workloads (SMC-C, limited SKU availability for emerging markets only - ASEAN, India, LATAM)
M365 Migration & Deployment OfferJuly 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024$100,000 (Starting Jan 1, 2024, deals >$750K no longer eligible)$40,000
Deals >$750K up to $65,000
Migrate and deploy M365 E3 & E5, FLW (F3/F5) attached to M365 E3/M365 E5, Compliance, Teams Phone. Migration from Office OnPrem and/or a compete migration from any competitor.
M365 Migration & Deployment –
Limited time for Vouchers issued in Q4 ONLY
April 1, 2024 to
June 30, 2024
(Deal must close by June 30, 2024)
(Deals > $950K not eligible)
Deals >$750K up to $95,000
Migrate & deploy M365 E3 & E5, FLW (F3/F5) attached to M365 E3/M365 E5, Compliance, Teams Phone. Migration from Office OnPrem and/or – one or more compete migration from all competitors
FY24 M365 Migration & Deployment – Limited availability for emerging marketsMay 7, 2024 to June 30, 2024N/AUp to $95,000
(Deals >$635K not eligible)
Migrate & deploy O365 E1+ workloads (SMC-C, limited SKU availability for emerging markets only – ASEAN, India, LATAM)

Migration from Office OnPrem and/or – one or more compete migration from all competitors


If I combine the M365 Deployment Offer or M365 Migration & Deployment Offer with the M365 Copilot Deployment voucher, what is my earning opportunity?

Although the M365 Copilot Deployment Offer can be combined with an M365 Offer (either Deployment or Migration & Deployment), total payout cannot exceed

  • For Enterprise
    • $75,000 MW&SDO M365, $50,000 M365 Copilot. $125,000 combined (Deals before February 5, 2024)
    • $75,000 MW&SDO M365, $75,000 M365 Copilot. $150,000 combined (Between February 5, 2024 and March 31, 2024)
    • $75,000 MW&SDO M365, $95,000 M365 Copilot. $170,000 combined (Between February 5, 2024 and March 31, 2024)
    • $95,000 MW&SDO, $95,000 M365 Copilot. $190,000 combined (Deals after April 1, 2024 that close by June 30, 2024)
  • For SMC-C
    • $50,000 MW&SDO M365, $50,000 M365 Copilot. $100,000 combined (Deals before February 5, 2024)
    • $50,000 MW&SDO M365, $75,000 M365 Copilot. $125,000 combined (Between February 5, 2024 and March 31, 2024)
    • $50,000 MW&SDO M365, $95,000 M365 Copilot. $145,000 combined (Between February 5, 2024 and March 31, 2024)
    • $95,000 MW&SDO, $95,000 M365 Copilot. $190,000 combined (Deals after April 1, 2024 that close by June 30, 2024)

If the vouchers are used, should the FRP still claim workloads and be eligible for incentives?

Yes. FRPs should continue their standard OSU-M365 claiming process. The deployment offer is in addition to any eligible incentives that may be available.

Can this offer be used in conjunction with ECIF funding?

This offer cannot be combined with deployment activity related to ECIF.

Which partners can redeem a voucher?

This is a global offer, FastTrack Ready approved partners list.

Is this funding in US dollars?

Partner incentives are paid in local currency equivalent to the US dollar value of the deployment voucher.

Does this offer require a different Payment Central profile or is the FRP payment profile sufficient?

The existing Payment Central profile will be used for payment. No additional setup is required.

Will I be able to view my earnings in Partner Center?

No. This offer is not being run through Partner Center. It is an FRP-only program. Payments will appear in FastTrack statements.

Where is this offer available?

The offer is global.

Are the FastTrack Program Managers allowed to be cc’d in any of the email communications?

Account teams are cc'd when vouchers are issued to a customer, and when voucher expiration reminders are sent to the customer (when their voucher has no redemptions)

How long does it typically take to get approval for initial or final redemption requests?

Within three (3) business days unless additional info/documentation required.

Do you have to use the voucher with one partner, or can you split it across multiple partners?

Only one partner can redeem a voucher.  Only one (1) SOW can be submitted per voucher.

Can I submit my own SOW/POE documents for the voucher redemption request?

No, only the templates provided can be used and must be signed by both customer and partner.

Can a customer be nominated for a voucher after a deal has closed?

No. A customer must be nominated and approved prior to deal closing.

Who can we contact if we have questions on the Modern Work & Security Deployment Offer?

For issues related to Voucher redemption by FastTrack Ready Partners, email Note: This group will not be able to validate if a customer is eligible for the program.

Does this offer apply to EA renewals? Or only net new E3 /E5 purchases?

The offer can apply to EA renewals or Mid-Term. The offer must drive upsell or expansion opportunities.

For FastTrack Ready Partners, is it necessary to claim all workloads or only security workloads in CPOR?

If working on a workload that is CPOR eligible, you should claim it while you are engaging on the deployment voucher.

Can a FastTrack Ready Partner decline to engage with a customer?

Yes. FRPs are not under any obligation to provide the deployment work. This may happen if partners are at capacity and cannot perform the work. If this happens, please point the customer to other FastTrack Ready Partners.

Is there a limit on the number of vouchers a partner can redeem?

No. There is no limit on the number of vouchers a FastTrack Ready Partner can redeem when they are provided with the voucher by the customer.

If a FastTrack Ready Partner receives a voucher as a “customer”, are they eligible to redeem it?

Yes, they can redeem it through an approved FastTrack Ready Partner that is not part of their company. For example, Contoso US receives a voucher. They can redeem via a different partner, such as ABC US. They cannot redeem via Contoso CA or any other subsidiary of their own company.

Does the SOW need to be for the full amount of the voucher?

The SOW may be for more, less, or the value stated on the voucher. Payment will be for the voucher value or the SOW value, whichever is less.

Will taxes be paid in addition to the voucher value?

No, partners are responsible for any related taxes. The program will only pay up to the stated voucher amount. All payments are inclusive of any tax obligations.

Is the program eligible for customers who upsell licenses under EA both in terms of the Product Plan and in terms of quantity?


Would extending an existing EA customer be eligible (for example: from 2200 E3 to 5000 E3)?

Enterprise segment customers must own less than 1000 M365 E3 licenses and SMC-C segment customers must own less than 300 M365 E3 licenses prior to the promotional period.

Is the program eligible for customers who change the license type from CSP to EA?


Is the program eligible for Microsoft Products & Services Agreement | Microsoft Volume Licensing (MPSA) customers?
