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In this article: FAQs for incentives

On the Partner Support site what is the difference between submitting a Payment Dispute and opening a case for Incentive Support?

If there is a discrepancy between your records and the monthly statement you receive, you should submit a dispute.


  • You should have been paid for a specific incentive, but you were not.

Your payment statement indicates you were paid for a size Small.  However, based on the number of Paid Available Units (PAU) you should have been paid for a size Medium. For all other scenarios that you have questions for, search the Knowledge Base articles, FAQs, or open an Incentive Support case for topics such as:

  • Viewing/accessing your statements

  • Adding or removing access to the statements

  • Questions about a statement or payment

After a Payment Dispute has been approved, when can the partner expect payment?

Payment will always be included in the month following when the dispute was approved.


  • If the dispute was approved in July, payment would be included in the August statement, payment will be released on September 15. We notify you of this when we approve the dispute.

Important! If you do not receive a statement for the current month, this is an indication that no milestones were achieved during the statement period. 

How do I know if I've received payment for the last statement?

On a monthly basis we publish an announcement that payment statements have been sent out via the FastTrack Ready Partners Viva Engage community discussion regularly for statement updates.

Milestones are paid within 45 days of the month they are earned.


Milestones achieved in June will be included in the July statement, which will be released by August 15. The payment process is initiated via Payment Central within five (5) business days from when statements are issued.

Current and previous month's statements can be downloaded in the Partner Community Portal.

If you do not receive a statement for the current month, this is an indication that no milestones were achieved during the statement period.

Once payment has been initiated, the funds will be deposited into the partner's account based on the processing time of the partner's location/country. This can take up to 1-3 weeks.

Why doesn't the payment amount in the statement match the amount deposited into our bank account?

There are several reasons this could happen:

  • If a partner has several geographic locations and wishes to receive a statement for each location separately, but has provided specific instructions to consolidate payments using the same Payment Central profile, the amount deposited into one account will include all locations added together.

  • If a partner participates in both the FastTrack Ready Program and the Microsoft Rooms Program, they will have separate statements for each program but have provided specific instructions to consolidate payments using the same Payment Central profile, the amount deposited into one account will include both programs.

  • If the FastTrack Ready partner is also paid by other Microsoft organizations that use Payment Central, and both payments are made on the same day, they may be combined in the same deposit.

The latest statement shows we should have been paid a specific amount, but we're not seeing that deposit in our bank account. When will we get paid?

There are several reasons a partner may not have been paid:

  • There are outstanding actions required by the partner in Payment Central

  • Payment has been initiated by the FastTrack Ready Program, but funds have not yet been deposited. This may be due to internal Microsoft approval processes or delays due to the processing time associated with the partner's location/country. Please allow up to 3 weeks from the date the statements were published for the funds to be deposited.

Why did I receive an email from Payment Central with an invitation for payee onboarding account set up?

You received the email as the Payee Contact for the Payment Central profile used for FastTrack payments for one of the following reasons:

  • Your organization has recently onboarded to the FastTrack program, and you need to go and complete the Payment Central profile with tax and banking information.

  • The Payment Central profile for your Program Membership was never completed during onboarding and you have now received a payment for the most recent statement. If you don’t sign in and complete the profile in Payment Central, the payment will expire and will not be deposited.

  • You may have completed the Payment Central profile a long time ago during onboarding, but perhaps you have since changed the Payee Name or made an accidental typo. Because Payment Operations wasn’t made aware of the changes, they have now initiated a payment for the most recent statement using the old profile details (Payee Name, Contact Name/Email), which has created a new profile. If the profile is not completed, the payment will expire and will not be deposited. After completing the profile, please reach out to Incentive Support via the Partner Support site to confirm which profile should be used for any future payments.

Why don't I have access to the statements for my company?

The FastTrack Ready Partner Primary Point of Contact and Accounting Manager will have access to statements by default.

Additional users will need to have the Primary Contact or Accounting Manager open a case in the Partner Support Tool. The Primary or Accounting contact will need to provide us with the name and email address of the person they approve to have access to statements.

Approved contacts can Access statements here:

How long do we have to submit a dispute?

Partners have 90 days to file a dispute after receiving a statement. Example: If a partner thinks a milestone was achieved in May and should have received payment in the June statement (delivered July 15), they have until October 15 to submit a dispute for the missing incentives payment using the Partner Support site.

How do I remove people's access to our statements?

If you are the Primary Contact or Accounting Manager for your organization, please submit a case in the Partner Support Tool and request a partner's access to statements be removed. If you wish to replace the partner with someone else, please also provide the name and email address of the new contact.